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Kalamazoo County Criminal Defense

Kalamazoo Michigan Criminal Defense Lawyer - DUI and Drug Charges

A failed field sobriety test does not have to result in a conviction. Just because police confiscated drugs from your home or car does not mean they will be capable of using that evidence against you. When an alleged "witness" comes forward with information, it does not necessarily mean your case is slam-dunk. With the right criminal defense team in your corner, it is possible to challenge even the most convincing evidence. The Kalamazoo criminal defense lawyers at Grabel & Associates have the experience, resources, and determination to fight for your rights and freedom.

We Fight … We Win ∙ Call 1-800-342-7896

Call now for a free emergency consultation. We are available anytime, day or night.

Clients of the Michigan law firm Grabel & Associates benefit from more than 100 years of collective experience. We know criminal defense and we know how to provide clients with the strongest defense strategy possible for their situation. We focus on avoiding criminal convictions and avoiding jail time.

Kalamazoo Courts—Criminal Division

Criminal charges that involve less than one year of incarceration will usually be handled by the district court. When facing charges relating to traffic or misdemeanor offenses in Kalamazoo, your case will be handled by the 8th Judicial District Court - Criminal Division. Three courts comprise the 8th District Court, two of which serve individuals in Kalamazoo. Traffic tickets (non-misdemeanor traffic offenses) are handled by the Crosstown Location. All other district court cases processed in Kalamazoo are handled by the North Location (misdemeanors, felony preliminary evaluations, etc.):

8th District Court - Criminal Division
North Location
227 West Michigan Ave.
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49007

8th District Court - Criminal Division
Crosstown Location
150 E. Crosstown Pkwy.
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001

The 9th Judicial Circuit Court presides over serious misdemeanor, felony, and criminal appeal cases in Kalamazoo and throughout Kalamazoo County. Learn more about Kalamazoo County Courts.

9th Judicial Circuit Court, Kalamazoo County, Michigan
Michigan Avenue Courthouse
227 W. Michigan Avenue
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49048

DUI/OUI ∙ Drugs ∙ Sex Charges ∙ Other Criminal Offenses

Our Kalamazoo criminal defense attorneys have a proven record of success in cases involving drunk driving arrests (DUI/OUI), sex crimes, state and federal drug charges, and other misdemeanor and felony offenses. We have provided vigorous defense for clients in state and federal courts throughout Michigan.

Our aggressive and effective representation has resulted in criminal cases throughout Michigan resulting in "not guilty" verdicts, case dismissals, and charges which were not brought by prosecuting attorneys. Check out our results.

Contact a Kalamazoo Criminal Defense Trial Attorney

When your future and freedom are at stake, hire a criminal defense team who you know will fight relentlessly on your behalf. Call 1-800-342-7896 or contact us online to discuss your rights and how we can help.


Client Reviews

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