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Heroin Possession With Intent to Deliver

The state of Michigan has harsh laws in place to deal with drug crime offenders, and charges of heroin possession with intent will require the representation of an experienced criminal defense lawyer. If you or someone you know is under investigation for a heroin charge, contact a lawyer as soon as possible. An attorney can help protect you from charges of possession with intent to sell or deliver in Michigan, and will uphold your constitutional rights throughout every stage of your criminal case. Grabel & Associates provides first-rate criminal defense to people accused of drug crimes.

Attorney Defending Heroin Possession with Intent to Sell or Deliver Cases in Michigan

Your charges of heroin possession could easily be transformed by police and prosecutors into a possession with intent to sell or deliver case. If police and prosecutors can come up with reason to believe you would sell or deliver the heroin you possessed, punishment will be much more severe. Protect yourself from a lifetime of punishment with an exceptional criminal defense lawyer.

Heroin Possession With Intent in Michigan

Heroin is strictly prohibited in the state of Michigan, and is classified as a Schedule 1 illegal narcotic. Michigan law harshly punishes anyone who breaks laws against heroin possession with intent to sell or deliver in attempts to curb the popularity of the drug. It is vital to your freedom and future that you hire a talented criminal defense lawyer to defend you in your drug crime case.

Heroin is a drug that is synthesized from morphine, and can be injected, snorted, or inhaled. The drug can be detected in the bloodstream or by urine testing, and a failed drug test could result in a drug crime charge. Street names for heroin include “smack,” “dragon,” and “mud.” This highly addictive drug was at one time legal, and promoted as cough medication. Heroin was made illegal, however, after authorities realized that users became dependent on stronger, more frequent, and more deadly doses of the drug. The risk of heroin overdose is high, which is why possession with intent to sell or deliver offenders are treated to harsh punishment.

Lawyer Fighting Charges of Possession With Intent in Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Grand Rapids, and Throughout Michigan

It is important to maintain every Michigan citizen’s right to a fair trial, to ensure no one is wrongly accused or convicted of a heroin possession with intent crime. Our lawyers thoroughly investigate the details of every case, to ensure the most beneficial result is reached. We have secured many case dismissals and suspended sentences in drug crime cases, and will work to earn back your freedom and keep your reputation clear of a heroin possession with intent to deliver conviction.

Criminal Punishment in Michigan for Heroin Possession With Intent

Heroin possession is a serious charge that can bring about criminal penalties including jail sentences of 4 or more years, and fines of $25,000 and up in Michigan. When you are faced with a possession with intent charge for a Schedule 1 illicit narcotic such as heroin, however, penalties are much more severe. According to the Michigan Penal Code, criminal penalties for possession of heroin with intent are as follows:

  • Under 50g of heroin or a mixture containing heroin (felony): Jail sentence of up to 20 years and a fine of up to $25,000.
  • Between 50g and 450g of heroin or a mixture containing heroin (felony): Jail sentence of up to 20 years and a fine of up to $250,000.
  • Between 450g and 1kg of heroin or a mixture containing heroin (felony): Jail sentence of up to 30 years and a fine of up to $500,000.
  • Over 1kg of heroin or a mixture containing heroin (felony): Potential lifetime imprisonment and fines of up to $1,000,000.

Prior drug crime convictions, intent to deliver heroin to minors, or proximity of your alleged offense to churches, schools, parks, and businesses will add to the criminal penalties against you and could increase jail sentences or fines. Our Michigan lawyers protect you from the harsh criminal penalties that a heroin possession with intent conviction could bring.

Additionally, your driver’s license will most likely be suspended if convicted of heroin possession with intent to sell or deliver. Our lawyers know how to defend against this, or fight your license suspension and push for reinstatement of your driving privileges. Our lawyers are experienced in state and federal courts, and will explore every legal possibility to ensure you get the best available result.

Effective Approach to Michigan Drug Crime Cases

You need a lawyer who will aggressively defend you while understanding exactly how to best approach your heroin possession with intent case. Our team of attorneys has the experience needed to win your Michigan heroin possession with intent case and earn you an impressive outcome. We are dedicated to drug crime defense, and our lawyers practice only Michigan criminal defense law. We know how to prevent charges for those under investigation, fight charges for those who are accused of possession with intent, and overturn decisions with our full range of post-conviction and appeal services. No matter what stage your heroin crime case is in, our lawyers will wholly dedicate their efforts to your aggressive defense.

We have proven our prowess in criminal defense over thousands of past Michigan cases. Look at our proven results and see the effects of our dedicated and dynamic approach to drug crime defense. A lawyer who will investigate every detail of your heroin possession with intent case to give you a thorough understanding of the legal options available to you is vital to your future. Our lawyers will explore the possibility of a case dismissal or Michigan court victory, and can discuss sentencing options such as a suspended sentence, or drug court decision focused on treatment rather than punishment. Our goal is to help you get the result that works best for you, and we will both help you understand what your options are and fight to secure you the best outcome.

Start Defending Your Heroin Possession with Intent to Sell or Deliver Case Now

We are available 24/7 at our toll free number, 1-800-342-7896 to start defending the charges against you. An experienced case analyst is standing by to talk to you about how we can help you in your Michigan drug crime case. You can also set up a free consultation with trial lawyer Scott Grabel by contacting us.

Your results depend on your defense team, and Grabel & Associates’ commitment to impressive results will give you a decisive edge in your drug crime case. We will immediately start building an effective defense of the charges against you to protect you from jail and fines. Don’t jeopardize your defense result by waiting to obtain a premier criminal defense lawyer. Secure the best Michigan drug crime defense team now.

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