Michigan DUI Child Endangerment Attorney
If you drive while under the influence of alcohol, you could face a variety of criminal charges and potential punishments which can include jail time, fines, and other restrictions on your freedom such as license suspension or revocation. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs while a child under the age of 16 occupies your vehicle can also bring about the charge of child endangerment. This additional charge can cause you to face an enhanced sentence for your Michigan DUI or OWI. Grabel & Associates our DUI lawyers will aggressively defend those accused of driving under the influence of alcohol, and will protect you from wrongful conviction for DUI child endangerment.
Why You I Need an Experienced DUI Defense Lawyer for Child Endangerment Case?
OWI child endangerment is a serious charge, and it is absolutely essential that you contact an experienced criminal defense attorney even if it is your first DUI offense. DUI cases involving a child can be extremely complex, and without a skilled Michigan defense lawyer, your case result will be jeopardized. Our aggressive criminal defense will give you an advantage in your Michigan DUI case, and our lawyers will work to have your charges dismissed or reduced.
If you need a lawyer for a Michigan drunk driving offense, contact us immediately. We defend clients facing any alcohol related charges, including:
- Vehicular Assault and Manslaughter
- Driver’s License Sanctions and Restoration
- Related Speeding and Reckless Driving Violations
How Does Child Endangerment Affect DUI Penalties?
It is illegal to drive while impaired in the state of Michigan, and you can be charged with operating while intoxicated if an officer determines that you are not able to safely operate a vehicle. If your blood alcohol content is above 0.08, you can be charged with drunk driving, and you can be charged with being “super drunk” if your blood alcohol content is above 0.17. Committing any of these criminal violations while a child is in the vehicle can result in additional charges of child endangerment and a potential misdemeanor conviction.
If you are under the legal drinking age of 21, you are not allowed to legally drive with a BAC over 0.02, and a violation occurring while a passenger under 16 years of age is occupying the vehicle can result in child endangerment accusations. Contact Grabel & Associates if you have been charged with child endangerment or fear you or a loved one may face a child endangerment charge.
Child Endangerment OWI Conviction and Punishment
If you are convicted of child endangerment for the first time, you could be convicted of a misdemeanor crime, according to the Michigan Penal Code, Section 257.625. This conviction will result in a driver’s license suspension, up to a year in jail, fines of as much as $1000, vehicle immobilization, and possible community service. If you are charged with a second Michigan child endangerment DUI within 7 years of your first offense, you will face a revoked driver’s license, up to 5 years in jail, possible probation and community service, fines of up to $5000, extended vehicle immobilization, and additional restrictions on your freedom.
You need an attorney to effectively defend against child endangerment conviction and criminal penalties, and our team of DUI defense lawyers is available to begin fighting for you immediately. We defend Michigan clients in pre-file, trial, and post-conviction stages of criminal cases, and will work to guide you to the best possible case result.
Our Approach to Child Endangerment Defense
The stakes are high in child endangerment OWI cases, and we understand that you want to avoid the negative reputation that can result from a child endangerment conviction. Our attorneys have over 100 years of combined experience defending criminal cases, and our effective work in thousands of past cases gives us unique insight into the criminal process and the tactics that work in DUI cases.
We rigorously investigate the details of every Michigan criminal case we take in order to ensure no crucial details are overlooked. Our talented attorneys will continuously consult with you in order to build an individualized legal strategy that gives you an edge over police and prosecutors in your DUI child endangerment case. Hire an attorney as soon as possible if you want the best possible criminal defense result.
Contact Grabel & Associates for Criminal DUI Defense
Call us, toll free at 1-800-342-7896 to speak with an experienced case analyst concerning your OWI case and child endangerment charges. You can also contact us online and ask to set up a free consultation with renowned trial lawyer Scott Grabel. Our innovative defense tactics will give you every chance to avoid criminal punishment in your DUI case, so do not hesitate to secure a lawyer. Grabel & Associates is recognized as a premier Michigan firm because of our ability to consistently produce unrivaled results, and our lawyers’ experience will be utilized to combat child endangerment charges.