What To Do When You Have Been Arrested

Do not speak to police. Follow basic instructions and do not attempt to flee, but don’t give away any information or answer questions about your case.
Do not consent to a search. If you have been arrested, a basic search of your person will be conducted, but do not allow police to search your home or vehicle.
Note that if police are at your home, and do not have a warrant, you should remain inside. They may be attempting to get you outside so that they may arrest you without a warrant, when they would need to get a warrant to arrest you in your home.
Keep calm and be polite towards officers. Fighting back at this stage in your case won’t help you.
Try to remember as much information as possible about your arrest, including officer’s badge numbers, patrol car numbers, and other relevant information.
If there are witnesses, try to get their contact information.
Ask to speak to an attorney. Police must help you contact a lawyer, and it is critical that you take advantage of this right.
If you need an interpreter, tell the police as soon as possible. Failure to comply with basic instructions could hurt you later on in your case.
If you are asked to submit to any testing (including drawing a blood sample), make sure your attorney is present.
If you sustain any injury during your arrest, seek medical attention right away so that it is on record. Also, attempt to get photo evidence as soon as possible.
The most important thing you need to do if you or a loved one has been arrested is contact an attorney. Grabel & Associates is available 24/7 for clients throughout Michigan.
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