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Southfield OWI Attorneys

Operating While Intoxicated is the term used to refer to what is otherwise known as DUI in Southfield. Grabel & Associates has been protecting those accused of Southfield OWI for over a decade, and we know what it takes to win in tough drunk driving cases. With our team on your side, you can be confident that you are receiving the best possible defense representation. Our team has a reputation as one of the top OWI defense firms in Southfield because we have been representing clients statewide for over a decade and guiding them to exceptional case results. Our attorneys are available 24/7 for clients statewide, and will represent you or your loved one throughout investigation, questioning, bargaining, or trial. Let us protect you against jail time, fines, license suspension or revocation, and a criminal record. Fight back against OWI with the Southfield defense lawyers at Grabel & Associates now.

Trial lawyer Scott Grabel knows how to win DUI cases, and has been challenging flawed evidence and rights violations in Operating While Intoxicated cases throughout his career. Our Southfield team is prepared to do whatever it takes to defend you or your loved one throughout any stage of the criminal defense process, from a roadside stop through to an appeal. Let us walk you through the steps you need to take in order to achieve the best possible DUI case result. Call or contact us online and let us provide you with answers to some of the questions you have about OWI/DUI and the legal issues pertinent to your case. We are always available to fight with you as you battle back against drunk driving conviction and the serious penalties that can result.

Michigan OWI Laws – What is an OWI in Southfield?

According to the Michigan Vehicle Code’s section on operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, it is illegal to operate a vehicle in any place open to the public while under the influence of liquor, or with a BAC over 0.08%. The law is worded this way so that anyone with an unlawful BAC, even if they do not feel intoxicated, can be sentence, along with anyone who is obviously intoxicated even though their BAC is below the legal limit.

The penalties for OWI in Southfield greatly depend on the specific details surrounding the offense, as well as the alleged offender’s drunk driving history. If the offender has a BAC over 0.08% and under 0.17%, regular OWI first offense charges will result. With a BAC over 0.17%, Super Drunk DUI charges may result. With a past offense on record, the maximum penalties can more than double for a second offense, and a third offense could lead to felony conviction. OWI leading to serious injury or death, or OWI with a child in the vehicle, could also lead to much more serious potential penalties.

No matter what the specifics of your Southfield OWI case, the trial lawyers at Grabel & Associates are available now to begin working with you. We are prepared to do everything we can to help you achieve the best possible case result.

OWI Penalties in Southfield – 1st 2nd and 3rd Offense Operating While Intoxicated

For a first offense, up to 93 days in jail, a $500 fine, a 6 month license suspension, possible community service and vehicle immobilization, and a misdemeanor record. For a second offense, up to a year behind bars, a $1,000 fine, a 1 year suspension or revocation with ignition interlock required afterward, and a misdemeanor record can result, along with potential DUI classes, community service, and vehicle immobilization. Third offense DUI/OWI can lead to a felony record, up to 5 years behind bars, a mandatory license revocation, vehicle immobilization, and the other penalties outlined above.

For a zero tolerance under 21 OWI offense, a fine of up to $250 and up to 360 hours of community service could result for a BAC under 0.08%. DUI child endangerment, DUI causing serious injury, or OWI causing death can lead to seriously enhanced penalties, and it is important to speak to an attorney right away if you believe you could be facing any of these accusations.

Southfield OWI Defense Representation

Our proven results show what a difference our attorneys can make, and it is because of our commitment to providing exceptional individualized defense in each case we take that we are trusted by clients in even the toughest of Operating While Intoxicated cases. Contact our team right now to begin your battle for justice.

Contact Grabel & Associates for Southfield OWI Defense 24/7

To speak with a drunk driving defense attorney, call 1-800-342-7896 or contact our team online. We are available now to begin working with you, and can also be reached online to set up a free initial case analysis.

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