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New Baltimore, MI DUI Attorney

A Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charge can have a serious, drastic effect on your life, ranging from exorbitant fines to possible jail time, increased insurance, and the loss of your license. Especially for multiple offenses, DUI charges can result in serious consequences, potentially a felony in severe cases. Even if you are just a casual drinker, we all know that getting in a car while only slightly intoxicated can be dangerous to yourself and others on the road. However, police in New Baltimore and Macomb County seem to be actively searching for drunk drivers, sometimes employing aggressive tactics to get you to make a mistake and prove your “drunkenness.” With the aid of a New Baltimore, MI DUI attorney from Grabel & Associates, we’ll give you the strongest chance of fighting your DUI charges. From dropped charges to reduced sentences, our experienced DUI attorneys understand the system as well as the DUI process at the 42nd District Court in Macomb County.

Managing a DUI in New Baltimore, MI

After being arrested for a DUI, it can be somewhat overwhelming trying to figure out what’s going to happen next. At Grabel & Associates, we’ve worked with thousands of clients, good people from all 83 counties in Michigan, who would have otherwise faced drastic consequences. We understand that you still have many other concerns to deal with, which is why our attorneys work to simplify the entire process.

The DUI process is manageable. In most cases, your drinking history and how much you drank on the day of the DUI are called into question. Sometimes, the court will examine your overall relationship to alcohol. Because these considerations take center stage, you need a defense attorney in Macomb County who understands alcohol and addiction. We can speak the language of clinicians as well as that of lawyers, which means that we can protect you from being treated like you have an alcohol problem when you don’t.

Understanding the Consequences of DUI Offenses in Michigan

The first step in fighting your DUI charge as well as your interests is to understand the potential consequences you may be facing. In essence, if you are under 21 years old, you can be charged with an Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) charge if your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is 0.02%. If you are 21 or older, the threshold between legal driving and an OWI is 0.08%. Commercial drivers, however, have a limit of 0.04%. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the arrest, you could be facing a misdemeanor or even a felony with a variety of potential consequences, some of which include:

  • 1st Offense DUI/OWI: Up to 93 days in jail and/or from $100 to $500 in fines; license suspension of up to 6 months, and possible Interlock Ignition Device (IIG) requirement.
  • 2nd Offense DUI/OWI: From 5 days to a year in jail and/or from $200 to $1,000 in fines; minimum license suspension of a year, and IIG requirement.
  • 3rd Offense DUI/OWI: From 30 days to a year in jail and/or from $200 to $1,000 in fines; minimum license suspension of a year, and IIG requirement.

The Lookback Period in Michigan is about seven years. This means that subsequent offenses in a seven-year period play a role in sentencing. Also, the 3rd offense in seven years is a felony, with the 1st and 2nd offenses are only misdemeanors.

The DUI Process in New Baltimore and Macomb County

If you’re a resident of New Baltimore or Macomb County, then a 1st or 2nd DUI offense means that you’ll need to go to the 42-2 District Court right in New Baltimore. This court is one of the busier courts in Macomb County, and it is here where you’ll face a Judge or Magistrate. You’ll be informed of the charges against you, after which the Judge will accept the plea and set a bond with certain conditions. A New Baltimore DUI attorney is essential at this point, as your attorney can wave the plea arraignment, file papers with the court that automatically enters a “not guilty” plea, and bypass the necessity of showing up to court. In this case, you simply need to show up to the pre-trial proceedings.

The attorneys at Grabel & Associates guide you through the pre-trial motions while meeting with prosecutors to discuss the case. Our goal at this stage is to keep you out of jail and resolve the DUI case by focusing on reduced sentencing.

Contact Us

If you or someone you know has been arrested for a DUI, it is essential to contact a New Baltimore DUI attorney as soon as possible. We’ll begin working on your case immediately, using a wide network of resources in Macomb County courts to fight for the best possible outcome. We’ll advise you of all your options, thoroughly investigate evidence, and aggressively represent you in legal proceedings. You can contact our experienced attorneys toll-free, 24/7 for a free consultation at 1-800-342-7896.

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