Michigan Crime Rates By Numbers

According to National Statistics collected in 2006, Michigan ranks 10th in the nation for violent crimes per 100,000 people, with 562. At the top of the list is South Carolina, with 760 violent crimes per 100,000 people.
While Michigan is above the national median for violent crime, the state has a property crime rate of 25.31 per 1,000 residents – less than the national average of 28.6.
The County with the most reported offenses was Wayne County, with 261,143 according to the most recent (2006) statistics. The most widely reported offense is non-aggravated assault, with over 80,000 annual offenses reported.
There were 585 offenses involving murder or non-negligent manslaughter statewide in 2013.
Criminal Sexual Conduct remains one of the more common crimes statewide, with over 3,000 reported offenses of 1st degree CSC alone.
There were 10,241 reported robbery offenses in 2013.
The most common larceny-related offense is larceny from a vehicle, with 29,481 reported offenses. Theft from a building accounted for 23,327 reported offenses.
Over 24,000 motor vehicle thefts were reported in 2013.
Nearly 50,000 drug crime offenses were reported in 2013.
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