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Kalamazoo Possession of Cocaine Attorney

There are few drugs taken more seriously under state law than cocaine, and if you or your loved one is accused of possessing cocaine in Kalamazoo, it is crucial that you get in touch with a lawyer right away and do whatever you can to protect yourself. Extremely serious penalties can result in any cocaine related case, and it is essential that you work with a lawyer who understands drug crime cases and has experience fighting for clients who are facing tough felony charges. The team at Grabel & Associates knows what it takes to defend clients in drug crime cases in Kalamazoo, and we are available right now to start fighting for you or your loved one. Contact our team now by calling our 24/7 toll free hotline at 1-800-342-7896 or by filling out the contact form on this site, and begin working to defend your freedom.

Scott Grabel has been defending clients statewide in tough drug crime cases for over 15 years, and ever since founding our firm, has remained committed to putting in the hard work that it takes to get you the results you deserve. As soon as you are investigated for possessing cocaine or crack cocaine, or if you have already been charged with narcotics possession, our team is here to help you. Don’t wait to get in touch with a qualified defense attorney, as your case could be extremely time sensitive. Police and prosecutors will already be working to build a case against you, and if you hesitate, you could miss out on the best possible case result. The Grabel & Associates drug crime defense team is available now to start walking you through what you need to do if you want to avoid jail time and other serious penalties.

Cocaine Possession Laws in Kalamazoo, MI

Cocaine is included in Schedule II that along with Schedule I, can result in the most serious possible penalties for drug possession in Kalamazoo. Cocaine is illegal in any form, including crack cocaine form, and the penalties you will face if convicted of possession depend greatly on the amount of the drug you allegedly possessed. All cocaine possession charges are serious, however, so regardless of amount it is critical that you work with a lawyer early on in your case. Our team is available 24/7 to start protecting you.

There are many issues potentially involved in your case which with help from a lawyer could be the difference between years behind bars and a more favorable result. Our attorneys know how to deal with illegal search and seizure, false allegations, and other difficult circumstances commonly involved in Kalamazoo drug crime cases, and are prepared to begin defending your freedom now.

Penalties for Cocaine Possession in Kalamazoo

If you are convicted of possessing cocaine, you could face extremely serious penalties. While the most severe penalties are reserved for cases involving dealing and making cocaine, cases of cocaine possession are still extremely serious.

If you are convicted of possessing cocaine in the following amounts, you could face the listed penalties:

  • Up to 50 grams of cocaine: Maximum of 4 years in prison, a $25,000 fine, and a felony record.
  • Up to 450 grams of cocaine: Maximum of 20 years in prison, a $250,000 fine, and a felony record.
  • Up to 1 kilogram of cocaine: Maximum of 30 years in prison, a $500,000 fine, and a felony record.
  • Over 1 kilogram of cocaine: Maximum of life behind bars and a $1,000,000 fine.

Never speak to the police before you are able to get in touch with a lawyer, as everything you say could be used against you. Our team is available 24/7 to start working with you.

Our team understands that with so much at stake, you need a talented attorney on your side who is willing to represent your best interests throughout your case. Our team will go over all of the details of your case with you and develop a unique defense strategy based on the specifics of your case and implement an individualized approach after reviewing all of your options with you. Get in contact with our team right away and start working towards a great case result, our team is always ready to begin working with you as you fight for justice.

Contact Grabel & Associates for Kalamazoo Cocaine Possession Defense

If you are accused of possessing cocaine, call 1-800-342-7896 or contact our team online. We are available 24/7 to provide a free no obligation initial case consultation.

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