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Federal Drug Enforcement

Both the national and state governments have jurisdiction to enforce America’s drug laws. The majority of criminal law enforcement is done by state and local authorities, and most drug cases are prosecuted in the state court system. However, there is a possibility that your drug case could wind up in the federal system, particularly if you were arrested by a federal agent, if you were arrested for transporting controlled substances across state or international boundaries, or if you are involved in a larger conspiracy, money laundering or racketeering case. The circumstances of the “Feds” getting involved on a drug case can vary on a case by case basis.

Federal drug sentencing operates differently from sentencing in Michigan state court. Federal sentencing guidelines for drug offenses include mandatory minimums that leave little discretion to judges, and created penalties that in the opinion of many were out of proportion to the severity of the crime. In 2010, the U.S. Congress passed the Fair Sentencing Act, aimed primarily at equalizing treatment of powder and rock cocaine in the federal criminal justice system. The Fair Sentencing act has raised the amount of possession required for mandatory minimum sentences for federal crack cocaine offenses. Nonetheless, mandatory minimum sentences remain a central component of federal drug enforcement.

Federal drug charges also mean that you will be held in federal prison. Parole is not available in the federal system, and opportunities for probation are limited. If your drug charge is in federal court, there are also differences in court procedure from those in state court, requiring the expertise of an attorney who has experience with federal procedure.

At Grabel & Associates, we have over 100 years of combined experience representing individuals on a wide variety of federal drug charges. We have extensive experience in federal court, and understand the subtle differences of state and federal procedure and substantive law. We will advise you of all of your rights in your federal drug case, and represent you aggressively in dealing with federal law enforcement and the U.S. Attorney’s Office. If you currently face potential federal drug charges, or have been charged and arrested by federal authorities, contact our federal drug crimes attorneys today at (800) 342-7896 for a confidential consultation.


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