Clinton Township Prostitution and Solicitation Lawyer
Performing sexual acts in exchange for money, goods, or services, or soliciting sex is a serious offense statewide, and anyone in Clinton Township who has been accused of involvement in an exchange of sexual acts for profit should get in touch with an experienced attorney immediately. Jail time, sex offender registration, fines, and other severe penalties could result in almost any prostitution or solicitation case, even if you are a first time offender. Contact Grabel & Associates now for a free initial case consultation, and begin your fight for justice as police and prosecutors attempt to build a case against you.
Under the direction of nationally acclaimed trial lawyer Scott Grabel, our sex crimes defense team has guided clients to exceptional case outcomes in tough prostitution and solicitation for over 10 years. Our attorneys have experience working with those who have been accused of:
- Solicitation
- Admitting for Purpose of Prostitution
- Engaging Services for Purpose of Prostitution
- Aiding and Abetting Prostitution
- Placing Wife in House of Prostitution
- Accepting the Earnings of a Prostitute
- Detaining Female in House of Prostitution
- Transporting Female for Prostitution
Get in touch with a member of our talented team now if you are in need of sex crime defense representation in Clinton after a prostitution or solicitation allegation. Our firm is available 24/7 to begin working with you, and can immediately provide you with a free, confidential case analysis.
Solicitation Charges and Penalties in Clinton, MI
In Michigan, it is illegal to solicit, accost, or invite another person in a public place or from inside a building or vehicle to commit prostitution or do any other lewd act. This includes words, gestures, or any other means of solicitation. Solicitation in Michigan is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 93 days in jail and a fine of up to $500. Prior convictions can lead to harsher penalties. Always speak with a lawyer before you take any action so that you can be sure you are taking the actions which best protect you from conviction and serious punishment.
Charges and Penalties for Hiring a Prostitute
In Clinton, if you admit a person into a place for the purpose or prostitution or lewdness, or knowingly allow someone to remain in a place for that purpose, you are guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by up to 93 days in jail and a fine of up to $500 for a first offense. Engaging a prostitute or offering to engage a female person (spouse excluded) can result in the same penalties. Like most sex crime charges, prior convictions or certain extenuating circumstances can greatly enhance the penalties you will face. Learn more about criminal charges for prostitution in Clinton, MI and contact our firm for a free consultation if you have any questions about your case.
Operating or Aiding a House of Prostitution
Other serious prostitution and solicitation charges include accepting the earnings of a prostitute, punishable by up to 20 years in prison. Detaining a female in a house of prostitution or placing your wife in a house of prostitution can likewise lead to felony charges and up to 20 years behind bars. Transporting a female for prostitution and other offenses, which aid or abet a prostitute can lead to similar felony charges. If you or a loved one is accused of involvement in prostitution or solicitation in Clinton, it is essential that you get in touch with a qualified defense lawyer right away. Scott Grabel or another member of our team will be available to connect with you now, so call or contact us online.
Our Approach to Solicitation and Prostitution Charges
With such serious charges involved and potentially life-changing penalties on the line, it is crucial that you work with a lawyer who truly values your future and is as invested as you are in achieving a beneficial case result. Our proven results show why our attention to detail and commitment to developing individualized defense approaches is so effective in Clinton sex crime cases, and we are always available to begin applying our proven tactics to your unique situation.
Contact Grabel & Associates for Prostitution Defense in Clinton Township
To speak with an attorney right now, call 1-800-342-7896 toll free, or contact our firm online. We will immediately provide you with a free initial case consultation and start doing everything we can to protect you as you fight back against jail time, fines, sex offender registration, and more.