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Breathalyzer/BAC Tests Attorney in Ann Arbor

When a person is pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving, an officer will attempt to establish probable cause, usually by performing a blood alcohol content test. BAC tests, including Breathalyzer tests and chemical blood tests, utilize chemical analysis to estimate the amount of alcohol a person has consumed and whether or not they may be intoxicated. The standard measure of intoxication in Michigan is 0.08%, though persons with a BAC under 0.08% may still be convicted of Operating While Intoxicated.

Ann Arbor Drunk Driving Defense Lawyer

Though Breathalyzer tests and other BAC tests are relied upon greatly in Michigan drunk driving cases, these examinations are extremely susceptible to human error, calibration errors, procedural mistakes, or other issues, which can lead to incorrect results. If you have been accused of drunk driving based on a chemical test, contact an Ann Arbor DUI defense lawyer now and ensure every detail of your investigation and arrest is fully examined and thoroughly scrutinized.

Under the direction of experienced trial lawyer Scott Grabel, our team of drunk driving defense lawyers works to expose the mistakes made by police and presented by prosecutors in cases involving BAC and Breathalyzer tests. Our firm has gained a reputation as one of the best in Ann Arbor for OWI defense, and for over 10 years we have been achieving superior results for clients in the area and statewide. Our lawyers are committed to always being available to represent clients in even the toughest cases, and are dedicated to doing whatever it takes to help you avoid wrongful conviction or excessive penalties which could potentially include jail time, fines, and a criminal record.

Contact Grabel & Associates now to speak with a drunk driving lawyer in Michigan concerning Breathalyzer tests and BAC evaluation in DUI cases. We are available 24/7 to provide you with a free initial case consultation.

Types of BAC Tests Used in Ann Arbor DUI Cases

There are three main types of chemical tests which can be used to determine blood alcohol content: breath tests, blood tests, and urine tests. Breath tests are the most convenient, and are often done roadside to establish probable cause for arrest and then either repeated at the police station or verified using a medically supervised blood test.

Roadside breath tests are known to be very unreliable and although they can be used to establish probable cause to arrest a suspect on suspicion of drunk driving, they are inadmissible in Ann Arbor courts. It is critical to keep track of everything said and done by an officer while administering the roadside test, because mistakes made during calibration or administration of the test can help later on during trial.

If your blood alcohol content registers at 0.08% or above, you are assumed to be intoxicated and can be lawfully convicted of drunk driving. Commercial license holders are only permitted to drive with a BAC below 0.04%, however, and persons under the legal drinking age of 21 cannot have a BAC over 0.02%.

Refusing to Take a Breath Test in Michigan

Though roadside breath tests cannot be relied upon to provide accurate results, it is still illegal not to take one if lawfully requested by a police officer. When you get a driver’s license in Michigan, you consent to breath tests, and there are serious penalties for refusing to submit to an officer’s request for a BAC test. If you refuse a roadside test, your license could be suspended for 2 years, and refusal of the test will still likely give the officer probable cause to arrest you for DUI.

Contact an experienced lawyer right away if you are asked to submit to a breath test, and don’t speak to police before you are able to consult an attorney. It is never easy to beat a DUI charge, though it can be possible with a top Michigan defense lawyer who has relevant experience working in cases like yours. Don’t hesitate to speak with an attorney and begin your fight for justice, our firm is ready now to take your case.

Our Approach to Ann Arbor DUI Defense

At Grabel & Associates, we know how valuable experience can be in drunk driving cases. All of our highly skilled attorneys are fully trained and qualified in OWI defense representation, and know what to look for in drunk driving cases to help you earn a favorable outcome. Whether police mistakes have been made or results of a test misinterpreted, our lawyers will expose every possible issue and help you develop a strategic, individualized approach to your unique case.

Contact Grabel & Associates for Legal Representation in Ann Arbor

Call now to speak with an attorney and have a member of our team provide you with an initial case consultation at no cost. Contact us online or call 1-800-342-7896 and get connected with a qualified defense attorney who can answer the questions you may have about protecting against DUI conviction in Michigan. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and will immediately begin doing all we can to defend your freedom.

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