The penalties for a sex crime conviction in Southfield are extremely serious, and not only include the potential jail time, fines, and criminal record, but the lasting stigma that comes from a sex offense conviction in Southfield (and possible lifetime sex offender registration). If you or your loved one has been convicted of criminal sexual conduct or another sex crime in Southfield, contact our appeals lawyers now. Grabel & Associates is recognized as one of the top appellate defense firms in the state, and we know what it takes to win appeals in Southfield. As soon as you get in touch with our team, we will begin to provide you with comprehensive defense analysis and will fight for justice as you progress through the post-conviction process. Let us help you evaluate your options as you seek to continue your defense. Never settle for a result that is less than what you know is just. Whether you have been convicted unjustly and need representation, or are the loved one of someone behind bars who needs to appeal their verdict or sentence, act fast to secure a talented representative. Appeals cases are highly time sensitive, and it is imperative that you get in touch with a lawyer right away if you or your loved one have already been convicted. Our attorneys are available 24/7 for sex crime appeals representation in Southfield, and will provide you with a free, no obligation consultation as soon as you call or contact us online.
Trial attorney Scott Grabel has spent over a decade of his life fighting to protect those accused and convicted of criminal offenses, and has extensive experience fighting for the rights of clients in Southfield and statewide beyond an initial conviction. Mr. Grabel began his career working in the state court of appeals, and has since gained recognition statewide and nationally as a top trial attorney. Work with Scott Grabel and the rest of our talented team and give yourself the best possible chance at appellate success. It is extremely tough to win both verdict and sentence appeals, and only with a skilled and experienced lawyer on your side will you have a shot to improve your result. Fortunately, our attorneys are always ready to begin working with clients in sex crime appeals cases, and know how to get you the results you want in your case. Contact us now and learn more about your chances to win an appeal, and how our attorneys can help you as you continue your legal battle.
Clients who have been wrongfully convicted may be eligible to appeal the guilty verdict, and fight to have the decision reversed through an appellate court. In a verdict appeal, you will have the chance to work with your attorney to develop a brief, or written summary of your argument, which explains why you believe the guilty verdict was unjust or unlawful. Bias or misconduct from a judge or jury, or unlawful conduct from a prosecutor may be enough to have the guilty verdict overturned, and you should always at least speak with an attorney about this option. With the chance to reverse the lasting effects of a sex crime conviction – why not at least get an attorney’s advice on your situation?
It may also be desirable to pursue a new trial based on new evidence, or a ginther hearing after ineffective counsel lost you your initial case. Whatever your post-conviction needs, our lawyers are here to help. Contact us now to learn more about sex crime verdict appeals.
You could also appeal the sentence in your case, if you think that it was excessive for the specific offense you committed. Appealing a sentence often requires showing that the case was not in line with precedents, but you may also be able to demonstrate that certain aspects of your case were overlooked in the determination of punishment for your offense. Let our lawyers help you evaluate your sentence appeal prospects, as well as advise you on whether or not you have the right to appeal, or need to appeal by application for leave by requesting that the court allow you to file an appeal.
The Grabel & Associates team has the skill and experience to get you a great case result, but just as importantly, we actually care about your future and know how much is on the line in sex crime cases. Let our firm provide you with individualized post-conviction analysis and representation, and give us a chance to improve the outcome of your situation. We are committed to always being available for clients and will not rest until everything has been done to fight for your best interests after conviction.
Wrongful convictions and excessive sentences happen, which is why experienced defense lawyers are necessary. Contact our sex crime appeals lawyers now to learn more about the steps you can take to improve your case result. Call 1-800-342-7896 or contact our team online for a free initial case analysis and let Scott Grabel and the rest of our highly rated sex crime appeals lawyers begin advising you as you continue to battle for justice.