PPO Violations

Personal Protection Orders (PPO) are issued in the state of Michigan if an individual has been stalked, threatened, or assaulted. Personal Protections Orders are often issued to prevent further contact with a family member or domestic partner. A PPO will restrict your freedom, and may involve complicated terms and conditions. Violating the terms of a Personal Protection Order is punishable by law, and you could face harsh punishment even for an unintentional PPO violation in Michigan. Work with an experienced PPO violation defense attorney and fight back against criminal penalties.

PPO Violation Attorney in Michigan

When a Personal Protection Order is issued, it isn’t necessary that all involved parties be present. Many PPOs are granted “ex parte,” meaning that the offender is not present and a full court hearing is not conducted. Although convincing evidence of harassment must still be presented, a temporary PPO can be issued without a proper hearing. These temporary PPO’s last for 6 months, during which time an offender can request a court hearing to rescind or modify the order. It is absolutely essential to contact an experienced Michigan criminal defense lawyer before taking any legal action against a PPO. If the PPO is not modified or rescinded at a Michigan court hearing, contact will be restricted for a specified period of time and terms and conditions laid out.

Michigan PPO Violation Lawyer

If you violate a Personal Protection Order, the judge, district attorney, and local police will cooperatively decide your punishment. Due to the multitude of potential restrictions that can be violated, there is no concrete standard for Michigan PPO violation punishment. You can be arrested without warrant immediately if you are found violating any terms of a Michigan restraining order, and can be charged with contempt of court. You will be brought before a judge within 24 hours, so secure a defense lawyer as soon as possible.

According to the Michigan Penal Code, Section 600.2950, Personal Protection Orders are issued for the safety of an individual in cases on stalking, harassment, or domestic violence. Certain terms can be attached to a restraining order, and violating any of these terms will result in a PPO violation charge. Possible Michigan restraining order conditions can include:

  • Entering onto Premises
  • Entering into Place of Work
  • Threatening to Physically Harm or Kill
  • Possession of a Firearm
  • Accessing the Phone Number or Address of the Petitioner
  • Contacting the Petitioner via Phone, Mail, Email, or other Means
  • Assaulting, Attacking, or Beating
  • Harassing or Stalking

If you are charged with violating a PPO and commit a criminal offense, you can be punished both for the criminal offense and a restraining order violation. Work with the best possible Michigan lawyer if you are accused of violating a protection order.

Criminal Penalty for Michigan Restraining Order Violation

If you violate a PPO, you could face up to 93 days in jail, a fine of $500, and additional criminal penalties. Working with a lawyer as soon as possible could significantly increase your chances of achieving a beneficial case outcome and avoiding criminal punishment. Contact Grabel & Associates right now to fight PPO violation charges. Our experienced team will aggressively defend you if you have been arrested for violating a restraining order in Michigan, or are under investigation for a potential violation.

Our Approach to PPO Violation Cases

Our lawyers understand that there are many problems surrounding complex restraining orders, and we will work to protect your reputation and freedom. Personal Protection Orders are often obtained as leverage in divorce cases, and one partner can turn on the other in attempts to convince a judge there is danger to him or herself or to children. PPOs can also be used to obtain custody of children after a divorce, and can completely destroy the reputation of the abuser.

Restraining Order Violation Lawyer in Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Grand Rapids, and Throughout Michigan

Our lawyers work around the clock to deliver the best possible result in any PPO violation case. Our aggressive criminal defense approach has been effective in thousands of past cases, and our innovative tactics will help you avoid criminal penalty for a restraining order term violation. We will work to build an individualized strategy for your unique case, and we know that every PPO in Michigan has distinct conditions resulting from a unique situation. We will objectively defend you in pre-file, trial, or post-conviction stages of any PPO case.

Contact Us for Restraining Order Term Violation Attorneys

If you have violated the provisions of a PPO in Michigan, it is crucial that you hire a lawyer as soon as possible. Our lawyers are experienced in Michigan domestic abuse law and understand the legal issues affecting restraining order cases. Grabel & Associates is recognized as a premier firm, and your attorney will aggressively fight to uphold your rights in Michigan’s family court and criminal courts, and will do whatever it takes to have an improperly issued PPO revoked.

Call 1-800-342-7896 now for a free consultation with an experienced case analyst. Our PPO violation defense lawyers are here to help you immediately, no matter what stage of the legal process your case is in. You can also contact us online and ask to set up a free consultation with trial lawyer Scott Grabel. The lawyers at Grabel & Associates are ready to vigorously represent your interests in the Michigan court system, and investigate every detail of your restraining order case.

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