While your first instinct may be to brush off a shoplifting charge, it is critical that you realize how serious the charges you are facing are, and understand the severe penalties that you could face. Shoplifting and retail fraud charges should never be taken lightly, and no matter what the specifics of your case, you should hire a Lansing shoplifting defense lawyer to guide you through the justice process. Grabel & Associates can immediately begin fighting for you, and we will aggressively defend you throughout investigation and potential trial. Contact our Lansing criminal defense team now for representation if you or your child has been accused of retail fraud or investigated for stealing from a store in Michigan. We know what it takes to achieve great case results and will fight to protect your future.
Contact our lawyers for a free initial case consultation and let us answer any legal questions you may have concerning the charges you are facing. We are available 24/7 for anyone in Lansing and statewide, and will begin working with you right away to determine exactly what needs to be done to ensure you are fully protected from harsh penalties.
With jail time, fines, and a criminal record on the line, you need an experienced Lansing defense attorney on your side. For over 10 years, our firm has been representing clients in Michigan cases and trial courts statewide. Speak with a lawyer now by calling us toll free or contacting us online and fight to protect your future.
There are three degrees of shoplifting in Michigan, and each offense can result in serious criminal penalties. While it is often assumed that a shoplifting charge only occurs when a person steals from a store, retail fraud charges can also result in cases where a price tag is removed or changed, or a person otherwise knowingly pays the wrong price for an item.
Third degree retail fraud charges are the least serious of the three, and occur in cases where the price of the item or price change is less than $200. If a person alters, transfers, removes and replaces, conceals, or in any other way misrepresents the price of an item with the intent not to pay full price for the item when the resulting difference is under $200, he or she could face third degree retail fraud conviction. Stealing an item (or items) priced at under $200, or obtaining money or store property through a fraudulent exchange when the value of property obtained is under $200 can also result in 3rd degree charges. A third degree shoplifting conviction could lead to up to 93 days in jail and a fine of up to $500 or three times the value of stolen property, whichever is greater.
Second degree charges of retail fraud result when the price difference is between $200 and $1,000. If convicted of 2nd degree shoplifting, you could face up to a year in jail and a fine of either $2,000 or three times the value of stolen property, whichever is greater. The most serious shoplifting charges are first degree shoplifting charges, which can lead to felony conviction. In first degree cases, the property value or price difference involved is over $1,000. In these cases, a prison sentence of up to 5 years and a fine of $10,000 or three times the value of stolen property can result.
While stealing a piece of clothing, shoes, a handbag, a phone, or any other item may seem like a childish mistake or petty crime, the penalties you will face are extremely serious. Always contact an attorney in Lansing before you speak to the police, and benefit from having a skilled representative on your side throughout investigation. It is possible to avoid jail time in many cases, and our lawyers know how to challenge evidence and uncover the truth so that clients are able to achieve case dismissals and outright victories in certain cases. Our team will provide you with an aggressive defense strategy and will help you achieve the best possible case result. Our past cases demonstrate how effective our team can be in cases involving theft, and we know what it takes to help clients move past criminal allegations and avoid life-changing penalties.
To speak to a retail fraud defense attorney, call 1-800-342-7896 now or contact our team online. Ask to set up a free consultation with experienced trial lawyer Scott Grabel, who has over 10 years of experience working in Lansing criminal cases. We are always available to provide you with a free initial consultation and will not rest until you know everything has been done to protect your freedom.