Indecent exposure charges are more serious than many presume, and a conviction for indecent exposure could land you in prison. According to the Michigan Penal Code any person who knowingly makes open or indecent exposure of his or her person or of another’s person is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to one year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. If that person is fondling suggestive areas of the body, the jail term and fine can be doubled. If the person is already known to be sexually delinquent, the prison sentence could be increased to life. Don’t let prosecutors put you behind bars. Start defending your indecent exposure charges right now by calling our Michigan sex crimes attorneys.
A large number of those charged with misdemeanor sex offenses such as lewd acts, criminal sexual conduct, and indecent exposure know the alleged victim. Legitimate sex charges deserve to be justly prosecuted, but many sex charges arise from hidden personal motivations or concealed agendas. Our lawyers work to expose every detail of your Michigan indecent exposure case to ensure you are ethically investigated and aggressively defended. Don’t let a sex charge such as indecent exposure cause you harm, obtain an experienced defense team as soon as possible.
When someone is convicted of a misdemeanor sex offense such as indecent exposure, they are subject to registration on the Michigan Sex Offender Registry. Becoming a registered sex offender damages your reputation and permanently harms your future. Don’t let an accusation of indecent exposure lead to a lifetime of consequences. You need a premier Michigan defense team to guide you through the legal process and ensure you come out of your case unharmed.
Our lawyers have extensive experience handling sex crime cases. We practice only in criminal defense and have defended thousands of Michigan cases. Our team combines for over 100 years of legal experience, and will apply all their knowledge to your indecent exposure case. We relentlessly comb through the smallest details of every case we defend to ensure no information is missed. We aggressively defend your constitutional rights when prosecutors attempt to use unethical means to cause you to incriminate yourself. When you obtain the services of Grabel & Associates, you know you will receive the best Michigan criminal defense.
We understand what is at stake for you and your loved ones when you are faced with a misdemeanor sex crime charge. We will take extreme care with your case and work together as a team to give your charges 100% of the attention necessary. Our lawyers are sex crime experts, and have achieved countless case dismissals and lessened charges for our clients. We are unrivaled in aggressively defending Michigan sex crime clients. Let us help you in your Michigan indecent exposure case. By starting your defense as promptly as possible, the prosecution will not be able to gain any advantages.
Look through our recent case dismissals and court victories, and see just how talented our lawyers are. We know how your charges will be viewed in court, and have mastered the skills involved in being successful in criminal defense cases. We will do anything necessary to get you the outcome you want, and can effectively help you avoid a jail sentence. Our innovative tactics have produced many satisfied clients, and our matchless firm has earned a reputation as one of Michigan’s best.
We have defended sex crime cases such as:
Our vast experience in sex crime defense gives us an advantage in defending the charges against you. We will give you the best chance at freedom in your indecent exposure case.
Call us at 1-800-342-7896, toll-free from anywhere in Michigan. We will talk to you any time of day, any day of the week. Get your defense started right now by obtaining the services of Grabel & Associates. If you are facing indecent exposure charges in Michigan, you need our lawyers aggressively defending your case. You can even set up a free consultation with renowned Michigan trial attorney Scott Grabel by contacting us. Our experienced team will aggressively defend you or your loved one in an indecent exposure case, and you can be confident that we will get you the best possible result.