Anyone accused of credit card theft, credit card fraud, or fraudulent use of a financial transaction device needs a proficient Michigan criminal defense lawyer immediately. If you are even under investigation for charges of criminal credit card fraud, your quick action to obtain the best legal representation could be a pivotal advantage. The right theft crimes lawyer can help you avoid jail, and Grabel & Associates has spent over a decade using the right tactics to effectively defend clients accused of credit card theft.
If you are charged with unlawful sale, use, or possession of a credit card, debit card, gift card, or any other financial transaction device, you will be subject to harsh criminal penalties. Fortunately for financial transaction fraud offenders, victims are often more concerned with restitution than with putting you behind bars. Still, possessing the card, account number, PIN (personal identification number), credit card number, or bank account of another person with intent to fraudulently obtain money or goods is a serious crime, and prosecutors will push to enforce strict criminal penalties that will affect you for the rest of your life. Avoid jail time, fines, and other restrictions by working with Grabel & Associates as soon as possible.
If you steal, take, or remove a financial transaction device from the possession of the deviceholder, or even knowingly retain a device without consent, you could be charged with a felony in Michigan. If you possess a fraudulent or altered financial transaction device, such as a credit card, debit card, or gift card, you can also be found guilty of a felony fraud charge in Michigan. Selling a financial transaction device, using a cancelled credit card, debit card, or other device, or falsifying identity in order to use a credit card, along with many other offenses can land you behind bars for a long time.
According to the Michigan Penal Code (750.157n), the penalties for committing a credit card fraud or theft offense are severe. You could face a prison term of as many as four years, and significant fines and restitution payments. Amplified sentences could be possible with the co-occurrence of multiple fraud offenses, past offenses on record, or other criminal acts committed in the process of a fraud offense in Michigan.
Grabel & Associates works to protect clients from these detrimental penalties, and our criminal defense team has ample experience defending credit card fraud or theft charges. If you are under investigation for credit card fraud or theft, or have been arrested for credit card fraud or theft, contact a lawyer right now. The faster you act, the better your results will be at the end of the criminal process, so don’t hesitate to speak with our criminal defense team.
We believe in the foundational criminal justice value that every citizen is innocent until proven guilty, and will aggressively uphold the rights of any Michigan citizen accused of credit card theft, fraud, or fraudulent use of a financial transaction device. With Grabel & Associates, you know that your lawyer cares about your final result and your future, and will not rest until you earn an unrivaled criminal defense outcome. Our lawyers are dedicated to criminal defense, and our commitment to practicing only Michigan criminal defense sets us apart from law firms that take every case that comes through the door. We will spend ample time on every detail of your defense to ensure you receive premier criminal defense service.
We represent Michigan clients in every stage of criminal cases. If you are under investigation, have just been arrested, or have already been convicted of credit fraud or fraudulent use of a financial transaction device, Grabel & Associates can help. We know how to win in courts statewide, and will intensely investigate every detail of your criminal case to ensure no pivotal aspects are missed. Do not speak to police before calling an attorney; politely decline to answer without representation present. Every word you say could be used against you and our criminal defense lawyers are able to speak on your behalf to ensure every word helps you in your Michigan case.
Our criminal defense approach has been proven in Michigan courts, and our consistently impressive results demonstrate our talent. We have handled thousands of criminal defense cases and have over 100 years combined legal experience on our team. Your decision to contact us will be an evident advantage in your criminal fight, so call now and get started.
An experienced case analyst is available to speak with you 24/7 at our toll-free number, 1-800-342-7896. Additionally, you can set up a free consultation with experienced trial lawyer Scott Grabel if you contact us now. We look forward to adding your case outcome to our list of proven results, and having you go free with the full ability to carry on with your life after credit card fraud accusations.
Don’t settle for a second-rate attorney, hire Grabel & Associates for top-quality criminal defense and a top-quality result. We have earned a reputation as one of Michigan’s best law firms, and will use all of our criminal defense experience and skill to win your credit card fraud case. Access exceptional criminal defense representation in Michigan by hiring our highly sought-after legal team.
Contact us online today to start fighting for your freedom.