Child pornography possession is a very serious charge, and the distribution of child sexually abusive materials has extreme consequences. Any person accused of a child pornography related crime in Michigan should contact an excellent sex crimes attorney immediately to avoid jail time and sex offender registration. Without the team at Grabel & Associates, you may be subject to substantial fines and long jail terms.
Speak to an attorney before you take any further action in your child abusive activity case. If you have been accused of possessing child pornographic materials, you need exceptional legal guidance. If you are faced with the even more damaging charge of distributing child pornography, the best defense team possible is critical to your results and your future.
With the firm of Grabel & Associates, your case will be defended aggressively, using every expert tactic our experienced team considers. When you are charged with a crime that could permanently ruin your reputation and cause you to lose a large period of your life to prison, don’t hesitate to secure a defense team that will fight for your best interests.
According to the Michigan Penal Code (750.145c), the penalties for child sexually abusive activity or material are as follows:
If you are charged with any of the above, or are under investigation for child sexually abusive activity, secure a superior defense firm now.
At Grabel & Associates, we know how charges of possession or distribution of child sexually abusive material can affect you. Throughout the judicial process, our talented team will make sure you understand every issue surrounding your case, and will help you make educated legal decisions concerning your next steps. Our lawyers know how to relentlessly cross-examine expert witnesses the prosecution may use to verify the age of a person, and we will work to make sure unfair testimony is not used in your case.
Only the best defense team should handle a case as serious as your child pornography case. We work together as a team to make sure your defense is treated to the complete focus and attention of expert attorneys throughout investigative, trial, and post-trial stages. Our team has mastered the most effective legal tactics, and we draw from our experience fighting thousands of criminal defense cases to ensure you walk away with the best possible result.
We have earned a distinguished reputation as one of Michigan’s best defense firms by consistently proving our expertise in Michigan courts. We know how to defend cases like yours because we have vast experience in sex crime cases. If you want your freedom aggressively defended, gain the advantage of Grabel & Associates.
Our team has proven our talent defending countless sex crime cases. Just look at some of our recent results and you will see that Grabel & Associates can get you the outcome you want. We know how to achieve case dismissals and court victories, and your case will benefit greatly with our lawyers on your side.
Our matchless knowledge of Michigan sex crime defense techniques will give you an edge in your child sexually abusive activity case, and you can be certain we will do everything possible to aggressively defend your freedom. Our past clients will tell you that our firm delivers on our promise to give you the best representation in your Michigan criminal defense case.
Call right now if you or a loved one is facing child sexually abusive activity charges. We are here to talk to you toll free, 24/7, at 1-800-342-7896. Do not let prosecutors gain an edge in your child pornography case. We know exactly what needs to be done to get you the best result, and our unrivaled guidance is crucial to earning your freedom. We will protect your rights throughout legal proceedings and combat potential imprisonment and fines. Additionally, you can set up a consultation with expert trial attorney Scott Grabel by contacting us. Don’t wait to start your criminal defense. Your prompt action could be pivotal in your Michigan child abusive activity case.