There are a number of criminal charges that can result if you are caught driving or possessing an automobile that does not belong to you, and the specific charge you face will have a great impact on the possible penalties you are facing. In Clinton Township, there are both misdemeanor and felony offenses related to auto theft, and you could face anything from a few days in prison and a fine, to decades behind bars and a felony record. At Grabel & Associates, we are committed to doing everything we can to protect those who have been accused of auto theft and related charges. Our experienced theft and property crime defense lawyers are available now to begin protecting your rights, freedom, and future if you have been accused of any auto theft charge in Clinton, including:
Contact founding attorney Scott Grabel or another member of our talented team now for a free initial case consultation and learn more about some of the steps you need to take to protect yourself after you are accused of auto theft. Our team is available 24/7 to clients in Clinton and statewide, and we are prepared to begin walking you through the essential criminal defense actions you need to take if accused of a misdemeanor or felony in Macomb County or anywhere else in Michigan.
Even if you do not intend to permanently take a vehicle that does not belong to you, you can face criminal charges in Clinton. Unlawfully driving away any car, truck, or other vessel that doesn’t belong to you, even without intent to steal, can lead to UDAA conviction, and anyone involved in a UDAA offense, even those who don’t drive the vehicle, can face the same serious penalties. If you have been accused of stealing a car in Clinton and think you have a strong case to prove you didn’t steal the car, you could still face UDAA charges, so it is critical to work with an attorney who can protect you against all possible outcomes.
According to the Michigan Penal Code, anyone who is convicted of UDAA can face up to two years behind bars and a fine of $1,500. First time offenders may be eligible for a reduced sentence of up to 3 months behind bars and a fine of $500. In cases where actual theft of a vehicle without intent to return it results, the potential penalties are much greater.
Anyone who buys, receives, possesses, conceals, or aids in the purchase, stealing, possession, or concealment of an automobile that belongs to someone else can face felony criminal conviction. If found guilty of auto theft, you can face up to five years behind bars, along with a fine of either $10,000, or three times the value of the vehicle for a first offense. If violence is involved, or if you have previous offenses on your record, you could face even more serious penalties.
Like most theft charges, Michigan criminal law classifies theft offenses by the value of property. This means that vehicle theft cases can result in huge fines, as three times the value of any automobile in addition to jail time (and possible loss of employment as a result) can be a huge financial strain. Speak with a lawyer early on in your case so that you can fight back against criminal conviction and the penalties that may result.
At Grabel & Associates, we know the difference that an experienced attorney can make. For over a decade, we have been committed to providing individualized criminal defense to those accused of auto theft charges in Clinton and statewide. Our dedicated defense lawyers have proven their skill in countless past cases, including misdemeanor and felony theft cases. Contact us right away if you are faced with auto theft charges or a criminal investigation. We are always available to begin defending you or your loved one.
To speak with a member of our defense team now, call 1-800-342-7896 or contact us online. Trial lawyer Scott Grabel and the rest of our team is available 24/7 to start fighting for you.